Holiday Horse Parade returns to Downtown Piqua



Saturday, November 15 will mark the return of the Annual Downtown Piqua Holiday Horse Parade. The event starts at 7 p.m. The Holiday Horse Parade is an all-horse parade and features carriages, hitches and riders all outfitted with holiday lights, making their way through downtown Piqua.

The downtown Piqua Holiday Horse parade will begin at Main and Greene Streets and will proceed west on Greene Street to Caldwell, south on Caldwell to High, East on High to Wayne and then make the jog onto Market Street. It will then go North on Main back to Greene Street. There will be an announcer’s stand at the intersection of Main and Ash Streets.


More information coming soon…



The Downtown Piqua Holiday Horse parade is being sponsored by …

Those wanting to know more about the parade can call Mainstreet Piqua at 937-773-9355.