Favorite Stove Partner – $150
Mainstreet Piqua Partner window decal
Name listing on MSP’s website
Sharing your news, posts, and events on all MSP’s social media channels
Business Training Opportunities
FREE flyer/coupon space at the weekly Piqua Community Farmers Market Small Business Table
Business HIGHLIGHTED in the Mainstreet Piqua Walking Map
Shawnee Partner – $250
All the Favorite Stove Partner benefits, plus…
Highlighted as a Business Spotlight through all of MSP’s social media channels (currently: Facebook & Instagram)
Featured in an email promotion to our community
Opportunities to sit on MSP steering committees
Atomic City Partner – $500
All the Shawnee and Favorite Stove Partner benefits, plus…
Logo on MSP’s website homepage
Logo on MSP event programs
Logo on select email promotions to the community
A collection of “Made in Piqua” ornaments and collectibles
Your choice of one of the following: 30 Taste of the Arts food tickets (value $30), 1 Rockin’
River Duck Drop Quack Pack (value $25) or 2 Chocolate Walk tickets (value $40)